The Vintage Hot Rod Association will be returning to Santa Pod on April 12 and 13 for the third running of the VHRA Vintage Nationals. Racing is only for the members and their VHRA-eligible hot rods and customs, but spectating is open to all.

The VHRA will descend on Santa Pod on the Friday and, while not racing that day, there will be plenty of hot rods arriving ahead of the evening’s bash in the Fueller’s Bar. Headlining the party this year are the incredible Fuzillis, with their raunch ’n’ roll sounds bound to raise the roof.
Saturday is Raceday, and it’s traditional hot rods and customs all the way, with pre-’49 historic cars tearing up the strip from beginning to end. With classes for various engines and body styles, competition is closely fought to take home the prizes from the event sponsors. You can buy tickets for the two days, race day, or even just to party on the Friday night.
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