Long time readers of Classic American will remember the feature we did back in the August 2005 issue (CA172) on a certain 1964 Cadillac Convertible belonging to a gentleman called Hugh, who’d inherited it from his late father. In that article, there was also a picture of the 1956 Cadillac Hugh’s father owned prior to acquiring the ’64 – both cars were bought from Lendrum and Hartman, although the ’56 was sold to a farmer in the West Country to fund the acquisition of the ’64. Ultimately, the farmer eventually sold on the ’56, after which the trail goes cold…
Intriguingly, said ’56 Series 62 Convertible (the registration SXP 69 was transferred to the ’64,) featured in Steve Miles’ Over Here books (Series 1, page 24,) of which he says: “This ’56 convertible got to be something of an old friend – I used to see it quite regularly, often around the Pall Mall and Trafalgar Square area. The paint was dull, but it was straight, clean and solid; I wonder where it is now?” And indeed, we’re still wondering to this day; however, Hugh was sent the pictures featured here of what he believes is an identical spec car, looking very sad, somewhere in a front garden in West London. What we can ascertain, is that this car looks to have been painted in red primer, either that, or the paint is very faded.

Hugh believes it’s the same car, the problem is that he can’t locate it – do any of our sleuthing, eagle-eyed Classic American readers recognize this car, know of its location, or even if indeed it is the same car? If you do, drop us a line at [email protected]
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