In the March issue of Classic American: 1963 Chevrolet Corvette, 1956 Ford Thunderbird, self-build Ford F2 pick-up & more!

1963 Chevrolet Corvette
Meet one of the hottest contenders in last year’s Car of the Year Competition! While we love originality here at Classic American, there’s also a lot to be said for subtle improvements that make a classic more user-friendly, such as the various hidden upgrades under Mick Nash’s stunning 1963 Corvette…
1956 Ford Thunderbird
Three careful lady owners… words that are music to the ears of anyone potentially purchasing a classic vehicle. This magnificent ’56 T-bird proves exactly why that’s the case. Jon Cass explains why…
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2025 Dodge Ram
A new era for the American pick-up? No V8 option, but this full-size half-ton still offers a wide range of trim levels and features, as our man in North America, Huw Evans, discovers…
Chrysler in the UK
We may think of the Chrysler brand as a relative newcomer to the British motoring scene, but in fact it arrived on these shores more than a hundred years ago. Geoff Carverhill explains…
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