The emotional Christmas ad from Chevrolet tells the story of a woman suffering dementia on a nostalgic drive with her granddaughter.

The five-minute short film “A Holiday to Remember” from Chevrolet is bringing people to tears and prompting them to share their own stories about dementia.
The film was made in partnership with Alzheimer’s Association.
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The film opens on a family gathering for Christmas and a young woman overhears her mother and grandfather talking about her grandmother, who suffers dementia. She has “good days and bad” says the grandfather.
“Let’s make today a good day,” the granddaughter decides, and leads her grandmother out into the garage where she uncovers none other than a blue 1972 Chevrolet Suburban.
As they drive through town, the granddaughter points out places she remembers going with her grandmother as a child, and gradually the grandmother begins to remember.
The heart-warming ad is soundtracked to John Denver’s “Sunshine On My Shoulders”.
There have been over 1.6 million views of the video on YouTube.
“Both my wife and I were sobbing by the end. This is one of best short stories ever, in a commercial no less, congratulations Chevrolet.” read one comment.
“My grandfather had Alzheimer’s and I miss him terribly. The family gathering really hit home for me. I wept while watching this. John Denver would be proud to know that his legacy lives on, too. It’s great that Chevy made this video to help bring awareness to this horrible disease. Happy Holidays to all of you reading this and even more so to those that are not.” read another.