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- Your advert will be live for 90 days
- 3Mb maximum image file size limit (8Mb total advert size)
- You can upload 6 images maximum
- Private seller adverts only. Trade sellers contact our sales team.
NOTE: Adverts posted on the Classic American website may also appear in Classic American Magazine, or other magazines published by Mortons Media Group.
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4. In order to meet its production and other editorial requirements. Mortons Media Group Ltd reserves the right to hold back adverts until the following issue. Adverts only appear when space allows.
5. In the event of the complete omission, cancellation or mismatch of an advertisement by Mortons Media Group Ltd, the Customer will be entitled to a re-run of the correct version of the advertisement, unless the omission, cancellation or mismatch by Mortons Media Group Ltd is caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Mortons Media Group Ltd, or breach of contract by the Customer or. where the Customer has given special instructions about blanking out the registration number of the vehicle, increasing the probability of a mismatch.
6. Mortons Media Group Ltd’s liability for breach of contract or negligence will not exceed an amount equal to the price of the advertisement or series of advertisements involved, provided that nothing in this clause will limit Mortons Media Group Ltd’s liability or death or personal injury caused by its negligence or that of its servants or agents.
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Buying a car
View: You can view all adverts for sale here:
Notice: Mortons Media Group Ltd accepts no liability for emails or listings misconstrued as scams, nor can we guarantee every listing or email sent to us can be determined to be a scam or not. If you are ever in real doubt over the authenticity of a listing or email when buying or selling, please exercise extra caution and seek professional advice. Please see our scam advice here:
Selling your car
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Create Advert: You should then be able to list your vehicle for sale here:
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Edit Advert: You can edit your listing here:
Usernames/Passwords: Usernames must be lowercase letters and numbers only. Capital letters, spaces and special characters are not allowed. Passwords should be at least 10 characters containing a mix of letters, numbers, capitals, and special characters (@, #, *, etc.), some special characters are not allowed such as a backslash ( \ ).
Photos: Please note that photos have a maximum upload limit of 3mb.
There are a couple of sites you can use to reduce your images, the first is Adobe, which we would recommend, it’s free but you need to register:
The second one where you can just upload and compress an image without an account is
Browser/Device/Cookies: If you are still having issues you may need to refresh to see the updated logged-in menu, or try a different browser or device. If you have tracking turned off and don’t accept cookies, this may also mean you are unable to log in or submit the advert form or that your browser shows that you are logged in correctly.
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If you still have issues, please fill in the Contact Form below. When getting in touch, please state your issue, any error messages, and the web address of the page(s) you experienced the issue. We may reply to request screenshots or recordings, device/browser information, and your IP address to help us replicate the issue or to check the site logs.