In the April issue of Classic American: 1971 Dodge Challenger, 1956 Dodge, 1982 Corvette Crossfire & more!

1981 Cadillac 8-6- and 1982 Corvette Crossfire
We look back at a brace of special GM offerings from the early Eighties that are increasingly rare to find in such original, or unmolested condition mechanically – partly due to their cutting-edge technology (for the time!) which are commonly either removed or bypassed…
1971 Dodge Challenger
How many owners would be tempted to take a plain Jane Challenger and transform it into a fire-breathing, big cube muscle car tribute? Not this owner, who chose to restore his one-family owned, one-of-122 383/2bbl 1971 Dodge Challenger convertible to how it left the factory…
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1956 Dodge
Virgil Exner’s styling team produced a masterpiece in the ’55 Dodges, but they’re almost never encountered at shows. Steve and Marina Tennick weren’t looking for one, but when they saw one for sale, it was love at first sight. Not only that, it was a Car of the Year heat winner!
Chrysler in the UK
We may think of the Chrysler brand as a relative newcomer to the British motoring scene, but in fact it arrived on these shores more than a hundred years ago. Geoff Carverhill explains…