Remember when every club produced its own newsletter (even the small local custom clubs), often produced on a typewriter, photocopied and then stapled together? We do, though maybe with Facebook pages and social media, they are rapidly becoming, or have become, a thing of the past. We were recently pleasantly surprised, however, to receive a copy of the V8 Telegraph, the official club magazine of the Early Ford V8 Club in the UK.

The small format, but full colour mag is nicely produced with good quality images and informative captions, plus plenty of show reports and general info for lovers of Henry’s venerable V8. Anything flathead V8 is covered, both American and British, and the autumn issue has articles on Commercial and Military vehicles as well as classic and modified Ford V8s.
If you run an early V8, and you’re not yet a member, maybe you need to get with the programme! Contact membership secretary Toby Nevitte on 07982 421863 or at [email protected] for more details.
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